Dealing with Thoughts of Suicide: A Complete Handbook



Starting to think about suicide can be really tough and overwhelming. It’s important to know that you are not alone, and there are ways to find hope and healing. This helpful guide will give you all the info and tools you need to get through tough times and move towards a better future.

Suicidal thoughts mean wanting to end your own life. They can be just passing thoughts or a strong feeling that won’t go away. They can happen because of different things like feeling very sad, going through tough times, or having a lot of pain.

It’s important to recognize that suicidal thoughts are a common human experience, and they do not define you or your worth. They are a temporary, though often severe, response to emotional pain or distress.

I wish I dead
I wish I dead

Recognizing the Warning Signs

Knowing the warning signs of suicidal thoughts can help you or a loved one get the support and help needed. Some common warning signs include:

  1. Talking Discussing thoughts of suicide
    Seeking methods to end one’s life, like online searches or purchasing firearms
    Expressing feelings of despair or a lack of purpose in life
  2. Feeling trapped or in unbearable pain
  3. Talking about being a burden to others
  4. Increasing use of alcohol or drugs
  5. Acting anxious or agitated
  6. Withdrawing from family and friends
  7. Changing eating and sleeping habits
  8. Engaging in dangerous behaviors like reckless driving that may result in fatal outcomes.
  9. Giving away prized possessions
  10. Saying goodbye to loved ones
  11. Putting affairs in order, making a will

If you or someone you know is exhibiting these warning signs, it’s crucial to seek help immediately.

Seeking Help and Support

Reaching out for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. There are various resources and support options available to you, including:

  1. Talking to a trusted friend or family member
  2. Contacting a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counselor
  3. Calling a suicide hotline, such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) in the United States or a local crisis line
  4. Visiting a hospital emergency room or calling emergency services if you or someone you know is in immediate danger

When speaking with a mental health professional, be honest about your thoughts and feelings. They are there to help you, not judge you. They can provide a safe and non-judgmental space to explore your emotions and develop a plan for managing your suicidal thoughts.

Coping Strategies

Developing healthy coping strategies can be crucial in managing suicidal thoughts. Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Practice self-care: Engage in activities that bring you comfort and joy, such as taking a warm bath, going for a walk, or listening to calming music.
  2. Connect with others: Talk to people who care about you, like friends or family. You can also join a group where others understand what you’re going through.
  3. Get help from a professional: Talk to a therapist or counselor to make a plan for feeling better. This might include talking, taking medicine, or both.
  4. Relax your mind and body: Try simple activities like taking deep breaths, meditating, or relaxing your muscles to feel calmer.
  5. Make a plan to stay safe: Figure out what signs show you’re not feeling well, how to cope, and who to call for help. Keep this plan where you can find it easily.
  6. Write in a journal: Write down how you’re feeling to understand yourself better and sort out your thoughts.
  7. Prevent self-harm by making it difficult to access items that pose a danger, such as firearms or medications, by either removing them or securely storing them in your home.
  8. Do things that make you feel important: Find hobbies or help out, like volunteering, that make you feel good and connected to others.

Keep in mind, dealing with thoughts of suicide takes time, so it’s crucial to show yourself kindness and understanding as you go through it.

Addressing Underlying Causes

In addition to managing the immediate suicidal thoughts, it’s crucial to address any underlying causes or contributing factors. This may include:

  1. Mental health problems: If you’re feeling really down, anxious, or stressed, it’s important to get help from a professional.
  2. Drugs or alcohol: If you’re having trouble with drugs or alcohol, getting help to stop can help you deal with feeling like hurting yourself.
  3. Hard times: If you’ve had tough experiences like feeling bad, being left out, or losing someone special, talking to a therapist who understands tough stuff can help you feel good again.
  4. Problems with friends or family: If you’re having trouble with people close to you or fighting with them, talking to a therapist or counselor can teach you better ways to talk and deal with problems.
  5. Feeling bad for a long time or being sick: If you have health issues that won’t stop bothering you, talking to your doctors about ways to feel better and live better can really help.

Dealing with why you’re feeling suicidal

Dealing with why you’re feeling suicidal might not be quick or easy, but it’s super important for getting better. It’s like a big part of healing. This network may include:

  1. Family and friends: Talk to people you trust, like your family and close friends, who can help you feel better by listening and helping with everyday things.
  2. Mental health professionals: Work with your therapist, counselor, or other mental health experts to make a plan to feel better.
  3. Online resources: Look at websites, forums, and social media where people share helpful information and support each other.
  4. Support groups: Join a group of people who are going through similar things either in-person or online. It can help you feel better to know you’re not alone.
  5. Belonging to a group of people who share your beliefs can give you comfort and advice if faith or spirituality is important to you.

Remember, your support network is not just a one-way street. Search for chances to help and cheer up people who might be having a hard time. Doing this can also help you feel like your life has a purpose.

I wish I dead
I wish I dead

Developing a Positive Mindset

Shifting your mindset can play a crucial role in managing suicidal thoughts. Here are some strategies to cultivate a more positive and resilient mindset:

  1. Be thankful: Think about good things each day, like people or moments, even if they seem small.
  2. Make goals you can reach: Split big goals into smaller steps, so you can see progress and feel proud.
  3. Cheer for little wins: Notice and praise even tiny successes, because they boost your confidence and strength.
  4. Change bad thoughts: Question and swap negative thoughts with kinder and more realistic ones.
  5. Engage in positive self-talk: Be your own cheerleader and encourage yourself with kind, affirming words

It’s not always simple to have a happy mindset, but if you keep trying and stay patient, it can really help you feel better over time. To avoid having more times when you feel like hurting yourself, it’s important to do things that can stop it from happening again in the future.

Some strategies to consider include:

Keep seeing your mental health doctor even when you feel better to stay well.

Take care of yourself by eating right, exercising, and sleeping enough.

Make a plan with your mental health team to know what to do if you start feeling bad.

Tell your family and friends about your plan so they can help you if things get tough.

Ask for help and what you need, like changes at work or school.

Sure! Here’s a simpler version: “Keep in mind, stopping future thoughts of suicide takes time, so be gentle and patient with yourself as you go through it.


Coping with suicidal thoughts can be a daunting and overwhelming experience, but it is important to know that you are not alone. By understanding the nature of suicidal thoughts, recognizing the warning signs, and seeking professional help and support, you can take important steps towards finding hope.

For more, Click here

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