WHITENING INJECTIONS-The color did not turn white, the liver was damaged. 

WHITENING INJECTIONS-40,000 injections were given to make the color white, the color did not turn white, the liver was damaged.  What Happened to the Woman Who Had Whitening Injections?



Glutathione is an ingredient that works to lighten and restore the beauty of the skin.  It contains some organic substances that clean the melanin in the skin and improve the inner and outer layers of the skin.

Today, many men and women suffering from the complex get injections to become fair, due to which the color becomes fair to some extent and some people even change the color.

But there are some people whose body cannot tolerate the excess chemicals and chemical elements due to which many diseases also occur.

Today we are going to tell you the story of a woman who got forty thousand rupees worth of whitening injections, but her complexion did not turn white at all, but she developed a liver problem.

First of all, glutathione injections should not be done without a doctor’s permission and a complete medical check-up, otherwise there may be complications in the body.

This is an Indian woman who thought of bleaching her complexion when she suffered from jaundice a few months ago and her complexion fades.  They administered injections up to 40,000 but to no avail.  As a result, his liver became weak and affected.

 The woman says:

“These injections gave me a headache for not caring about palea and using extra mercury products. I request all people to rely on their natural complexion because fair complexion does not make you beautiful.”

 What to eat

Allah has placed all kinds of benefits in all the fruits, which also have the ability to lighten the complexion, so use fruits and cucumbers in your daily diet and get rid of all skin problems including health.


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