Tappytoon Featuring Negative Characters

Tappytoon cofounders have a few theories as to why people are interested in reading stories about villainesses, which have seen a significant increase in popularity on the platform. In addition, the number of people reading these stories has been on the rise recently.
It has been brought to light by Tappytoon. The Reason Behind Why Webtoons So Often Feature Negative Characters
An examination of the requirements one must meet in order to play the role of the antagonist in a cartoon
In the world of webcomics, stories that centre around nefarious women are swiftly becoming one of the most popular types of stories to be told since these kinds of stories are amusing. This is one of the primary reasons for the rise in popularity of these types of stories. As a kind of online storytelling, webcomics are gaining more and more attention these days.
Some of these tales are instances of a subgenre of the literary genre known as “the girl who died and found herself transported into the body of the villainous character from the book she was reading.” This subgenre is known as “the girl who died and found herself transported into the body of the villainous character from the book she was reading.” In certain retellings of the story, the villains are depicted as being reborn just a short while before they meet their tragic end. This acts as the drive for the protagonist to work towards avoiding the same fate as their previous incarnation in order to prevent them from being reborn.
Comics and graphic novels like Father, I Don’t Want this Marriage, What It Takes to be a Villainess, and The Villainess Lives Again can be found on Tappytoon, which is not only one of the most well-liked websites in the world for webcomics but also one of the largest websites of its kind in the entire globe. Tappytoon is a webcomic website. In a recent interview that Sun Bang and Ernest Woo, the founders of Tappytoon, gave to Anime Corner, they discussed the reasons why they think there has been a growing demand in stories in which the antagonist serves as the protagonist.
The crowd eagerly anticipates hearing fresh tales at every performance.
Despite the fact that stories about villainesses seem to be trending at the moment, Bang maintains that “originality from story and character building” is the source of the excitement and passion that readers have for these types of stories. He believes that this is the reason why readers are so passionate about these types of stories. According to a quote attributed to the artist known only as Bang, “I don’t think it’s limited to a certain genre or trend,” K-webtoons are now having a lot of popularity, which can be partially attributed to the fact that the stories they tell are completely unique in comparison to anything else that has ever been seen in the annals of webcomic history.
The similar attitude was expressed by Woo, who went on to say that “Stories about villainesses, royalty, kings, queens, and the like will never go out of style.” I don’t believe that there will be any kind of shortage of them in the near future.”
Woo put out a variety of hypotheses regarding the kind of literary works. These are that are expected to witness a rise in the number of readers. “I have a strong feeling that [Boys Love] and [Girls Love] are on the increase. Also will make substantially more ground in the very near future. [Boys Love]. Also [Girls Love] have been on my mind a lot recently.
Video games that are classified as belonging to the action or fantasy genres typically. This include a large amount of content that is devoted to world-building. Moreover, Titles that are able to successfully complete this goal are commonly reused. This is for usage in other forms of media. Such as animations and other video games such as Solo Levelling. However, in the not too distant future, dramas with a touch of fantasy or Korean dramas will rule the market more quickly than other types of dramas
In only six years, Tappytoon was able to significantly expand its size.
Tappytoon was originally made available to the public in 2016, and as of November 2022. The website has amassed a total of 7 million users who originated from a total of 241 different countries and territories. People who are part of the millennial generation, people who are part of the Gen Z group. Also women make up the majority of their readership. Their target demographic is mostly comprised of persons living in the United States (78.6%). Also more particularly, individuals between the ages of 18 and 24 (74%).
The website initially only provided webcomics; however, in August of 2021. It expanded its portfolio to include online novels as well. Initially, the website just featured webcomics. “Having both the novel and the webtoon versions creates a synergy. So that readers from one version can easily try out the other format. Also they end up enjoying both of them.” “Having both the novel and the webtoon versions” As was mentioned by Sun.
According to an infographic that was provided by Tappytoon, the top four most popular categories on the platform are romance (57%), Boys Love (BL) (17%), action (12%), and various genres (14%). After coming in second place was the action webcomic Solo Levelling, which was written by Chugong and illustrated by Dubu. The online webcomic Cherry Blossoms After Winter, which was in black and white and published online, came in third. Light and Shadow, a webcomic about a romantic drama, finished in third place. It was adapted into a live-action drama in 2022. Also it is anticipated that an anime version of Solo Levelling would make its debut in 2023. Cherry Blossoms After Winter was adapted into a live-action drama in 2022. The original manga will serve as the inspiration for both of these upcoming adaptations.
Downloads of Tappytoon can be found in both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.
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