Psoriasis: What is this Skin Disease and What are the Causes?

Today we will discuss about a skin disease, called psoriasis ,about which many people don’t know. Similarly, We will discuss about it in detail that every aspect we will cover to give our readers a wide knowledge about it.
Simiarly, It is mainly categorized as an auto-immune disease, in which the cells grow rapidly on the skin of the patient. And this fast growth develops into scaly and thick plaque which causes discomfort and itching. Furthermore, There are many different types of this disease which depends upon the location of scales on body and their appearance.

It appears differently on different tones of skins, as on lighter tones type of skin it appears with red or pink colored patches. And on darker shades psoriasis’s color should be dark purple or brownish shades. Moreover, Symptoms of this disease vary from person to person and as doctors can’t even predict the ending time of this disease. These are for example:
- Mild psoriasis affects 3percent of the patient’s body
- In moderate one, body is affected by 3 to 10 percent
- But severe psoriasis affects body more than 10 percent

Here we discuss types in little details, for example:
It is the most common one as approx. 90 percent of patients develop this type of psoriasis. It mostly occurs on, for example:
- Knees
- Scalp
- Elbows
- Lower back
It is considered as the variant of psoriasis and mostly developed in folded skin. Such as, for example:
- Area covered by the breasts
- Armpits
- Groin area
- Buttocks
- Genital areas
In this type the larger area is affected by inflammation. But it is the very rare type seen in patients. Moreover, Patient may experience. for example:
- Skin shedding on large scale
- Itching
- Pain
- Swelling due to fluid retention in body
- Edema
- Patient experience problem in balancing body temperature
The root causes are still unclear to the medical supervisors. Furthermore, Mild cases can be deal with ointments but in severe cases the medical specialists asks to undergo the specific treatments.

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