PARIZAD Breaking Records

PARIZAD Breaking Records

Parizad(HUM TV)

PARIZAD Breaking Records

Parizad, which is a serial of HUM TV, is breaking records in Pakistani drama industry. Its has gained popularity not only in Pakistan but in India as well. But have you ever wonder what’s the reason behind this? Are the characters acting soo good or the script? Yes, its the script that’s written in such an inspiring manner that it impresses the audience.

Poor Scales of our Society

1. Being Judgemental:

This society has nothing to do instead of judging a person having black colour, small height, ill mannered, obesity. These are the poor scales of evaluating people in this modern world. We don’t accept these people doing something good. We don’t even want to see these kind of people around us. Why? Are we comparing ourselves with ALLAH? Are we not afraid of him? All of us are struggling for something somewhere. All of us are achieving and losing. Most importantly, all of us are humans. Then, why do you have to judge? The drama ‘Parizad’ speaks to the fact that face, colour, manners or health doesn’t play any role in your success. It’s just your determination, fate and faith in Allah that do all this.

‘Ahmed Ali Akbar’ the actor who is doing the character of parizad, has shown a remarkable performance. His words, emotions, gestures have added an extra pinch to the drama.

PARIZAD Breaking Records

2. Lower Class People get Neglected:

Another problem in this world is that the upper class society demoralizes the lower ones. The person having a bit of high financial status, wishes to take over the charge over middle class people. Only a few people believe the fact that Allah loves the human, who loves the mankind and wishes to do good to them when they get to the highest position. So was  with Parizad, who, after becoming successful and rich, took great advantage of high position in society by helping the poor with money and his extraordinary humble words.

In A Nutshell

Why can’t we be like him? sadly, we all will appreciate his deeds in the drama but won’t apply it to our own lives. We all will post his words on status but will never follow him. We all will be learning his poetry but will never took a deep understanding of it. In a nutshell, life would have been much easier if we start applying the good things in our lives that we see in others and just appreciating.


Related: PARIZAD Breaking Records


PARIZAD Breaking Records, PARIZAD Breaking Records, PARIZAD Breaking Records

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