National Tequila Day 2022: Some Surprising Facts about this Day

National Tequila Day 2022: Some Surprising Facts about this Day
National Day Celebrate

Sunday, July 24 is National Tequila Day in the US. After the year we’ve had, it’s hard not to want to take a bracing shot or two (responsibly, of course).

Drink in some surprising facts on National Tequila Day 2022.

Surprising Facts:

Here are some holiday-relation things to do six surprising tequila truths you may lacking knowledge.

It comes from a plant, so it must be healthy, right?

Don’t worry, gluten-free people! Tequila is ideal. safe to for you consume. Making tequila by juice fermentation of the central core of the blue agave plant known as pia due to the resembles the pineapple. After harvesting, the pia is transported to a distillery and roasting to release juices of it, those are then before being bottled, a substance is fermented, distill, and mature.

Although tequila is a type of mezcal, not all mezcal is tequila.

OK, this is a little perplexing, hence, let’s simplify it.. Tequila and mezcal despite the fact that they both come from agave only the blue agave plant be using to produce?. According to Food & Wine, there are over 30 different types of agave that can be used to make mezcal. The flavor profiles can differ slightly, mezcal being more potently smoke.

 Tequila must be produced in a specific region of Mexico.

You are aware of the requirements for the production of authentic Champagne. France’s region of Champagne? It’s the same This is what. Tequila must be in Jalisco, Mexico, or one of its State neighbours in order to be labelling as such. However, Jalisco produces the majority of tequila.

Tequila, you guessed it, was born in Tequila.

National Tequila Day 2022: Some Surprising Facts about this Day

Furthermore, the city is located in Jalisco. It is where indigenous Mexicans created the famous beverage. Fermenting blue agave juice before it became a staple. Many distilleries remain in town, where it was designate As of 2006, it was a UNESCO World Heritage site..

Tequila might not exist if it weren’t for women.

Historically, it was the Tequila women (as in the town) who cultivated the blue agave plants known as hijuelos (little children). Women are still frequently seeing labouring in the fields from February until July, when the plants blossom.

Another famous person has joined the tequila club.

Celebrities, for some reason, enjoy investing in tequila. In early 2022, Mark Wahlberg joined the ranks. No, it’s only acting career favorite despite this, he also committed to the Flecha Azul tequila line, which businessman Aron Marquez and Mexican PGA golfer Abraham Ancer establishing together.

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