9 Signs of Lack of Magnesium in the Body

9 Signs of Lack of Magnesium in the Body

If you regularly feel tired, have occasional eye twitches, or have muscle cramps, it’s most likely due to a lack of magnesium. Magnesium is responsible for many processes in the body. Its deficiency is dangerous to health and can cause serious illness. Therefore, it is very important to be attentive to your body in order to notice the problem as early as possible.

1. A desire for sweets:

"Medical News Today"
Liver Doctor

A strong desire to eat something sweet often indicates a deficiency in certain minerals, particularly Mg.  Sugar cravings occur most frequently in healthy people during menstruation and after intense training in athletes.

In both cases, magnesium leaves the body in large amounts, which is why sugar is required.

2. Muscle pain and cramps:

Muscle cramps and spasms can be excruciatingly painful. If they occur frequently, this is one of the most obvious signs of an Mg deficiency. Not only will replenishment of this element help, but so will a complex of vitamins B, E, and D.

However, consult a doctor to determine the level of these trace elements in your body. Massage the painful area in a circular motion to relieve muscle tension quickly.

3. Sleeplessness:

Insomnia is frequently caused by magnesium deficiency. This substance is in charge of the brain’s ability to relax and fall asleep peacefully. If there is insufficient Mg, the body’s “relaxation function” significantly fails.

Interfere with normal sleeping patterns and leg cramps, as previously discussed. This is known as “restless legs syndrome” in medicine. The lower limbs twitch when falling asleep and during sleep, causing the quality of sleep to suffer noticeably.

4. Bone Disease:

A lack of magnesium increases the risk of fractures, dislocations, and other bone and joint problems over time. The reason for this is probably a decrease in calcium levels, which causes magnesium deficiency. Calcium, in turn, is essential for bone health.

5. Acid reflux:

Undigested food and stomach acid back up into the esophagus when magnesium levels are significantly low. As a result, there is a burning sensation, which is commonly referred to as heartburn.

6. Idleness and stress:

Mg is essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system and is also responsible for body relaxation. It is difficult for a person to relax when it is lacking. Moreover, it can even lead to depression over time.

7. Constipation:

The causes of constipation can be significantly from stress to insufficient fiber intake. And one of the possible reasons is a lack of magnesium. As mentioned above, it is responsible for relaxing the body. This also applies to the digestive tract. Due to the lack of this mineral, the work of some intestinal functions is disrupted, which ultimately leads to constipation.

8. Fatigue:

Magnesium helps to accumulate energy in body cells. If it is not enough, the cells cannot produce energy in the amount necessary for an active life. Because of this, a person develops symptoms such as fatigue, constant fatigue, apathy, and laziness.

9. Severe headaches:

Chronic lack of nutrients causes severe headaches. Depending on the focus of its localization, it is possible to understand which vitamins the body lacks – A, B, C, or D. A characteristic sign of microelement deficiency is the localization of migraine in only one part of the head.

When magnesium levels are low, the blood vessels in the brain expand and constrict rapidly, causing discomfort. Replenishing its deficiency normalizes the work of blood vessels and relieves headaches.

Mg deficiency in many people occurs due to malnutrition and bad habits. A well-chosen diet fills the daily need for this substance. The following foods will help increase magnesium levels in the body:




fresh fruits and dried fruits;


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