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Is Vitamin Water Good for YOU? A Complex Statement

Vitamin water, a way of hydration and a bomb of nutrients. We can claim its benefits but is vitamin water good for your health? Vitamin water provides countless minerals and vitamins to the body.This step can help you to avoid bad side effects of the vitamin water.

This is the tactic of the companies and brands to attract consumers who are conscious of their health. This idea of mixing simple water with water soluble vitamins is 25 years old. Our body needs water and vitamins at the same time, both of the nutrients in one bottle attracts consumers.

  • Global market of these drinks surges to 7.2 billion dollars in 2021.
  • The prediction is that these may go up to 11.9 billion dollars in the coming year 0f 2027.

What is Vitamin Water?

The presence of nutrients made these beverages more attractive. Here are the details of the nutrients of vitamin water, as per their labels.

This vitamin water contains:

  1. Vitamins: These vitamins include vitamin A, B-complex, C and also Vitamin E.
  2. Minerals: Minerals like Magnesium and Potassium are likely to be present   in these waters.
  3. Flavours: Artificial and natural flavours are mostly added to these drinks to make them taste well. 
  4. Artificial sweeteners: Some brands also add artificial sweeteners to enhance the taste of the vitamin water.
  5. Calories: The caloric range of these vitamin waters is from 1 to 100 as per one bottle. This can also vary from presence and absence of sugars.
  6. Sugars: Vitamin water might contain sugar from the range of 20 to 30 grams. There is also an option of zero sugar. They can also contain artificial sugars like Stevia to change the tastes.

Is Vitamin Water Good for You?

Vitamin water is a nice option for the people who are addicted to the sodas and soft drinks. As they contain the best quantity of the minerals and vitamins.

  • Uma Naidoo, a nutritional psychiatrist says that; She is happy with the many available options and variations to add up on the diet for a healthy body and lifestyle. She emphasises on a healthy diet before relying on any kind of supplements.

Benefits of Vitamin Water:

The vitamin water benefits are given below:

1.    Better Recovery after Intense Work-Out:

Vitamin water is good for health and it fulfils all the lost electrolytes after the work-out. Vitamin water benefits you in better muscle functioning and recovery of the muscles.

  • Electrolytes like sodium and potassium, are very important for the body post workout to meet all the deficiency.

As, through sweating there is a whole loss of body electrolytes. Vitamin water is also beneficial for blood pressure and for controlling the muscles. Some brands claim to add vitamin B, which further helps you in restoring your energy levels and metabolism of energy.

2.    Improvement in Hydration of the Body:

A proper hydration is the need of the body to work in the best way. Hydration helps from a small function of the body to almost every function of the body. The vitamin water benefits the people who are not regular in drinking their daily amount of water. The flavours further help to maintain the taste. Vitamin water is good for hydration.

3.    Better Vitamin Intake:

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is_vitamin__water_good for_you

Vitamin water benefits the people who lack their regular needed intake of the vitamins. Commonly, these vitamin waters include vitamin A, C and E. Also some brands claim to add Vitamin B Complex in their water. Somehow, your body can discard some of the vitamins and minerals. But the essential ones are already absorbed by the body.

4.    Usage of Mineral Water in Making of Vitamin Water:

The water which is added in these bottles went through some filtration processes. One of the famous processes of filtration is Reverse Osmosis filtration. Through this filtration a lot of harmful particles are removed. For example, arsenic, pesticides and any kind of water impurity. Definitely it becomes healthier than regular water.

5.    Healthy Option as Compared to Sodas:

Vitamin water benefits you in a way that they are free from any artificial ingredient and also low sugar is added in them. Unlike sodas and fresh fruit juices they are not processed. There are no harmful ingredients added into vitamin water.

6.    Tastes Better Than Regular Water:

The main reason for the success of vitamin water is its taste. Many people are conscious about the taste of the beverage that they are drinking. There are many available options in flavours to choose according to your taste.

Is Vitamin Water harmful for your health?

Here we will explore the disadvantages of Vitamin water. This can be shocking for the people who are the actual fans of this water. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advise people not to consume drinks with high content of sugar. Also avoid such types of foods to eat. They claim that drinks with high sugars may lead towards type 2 Diabetes, many heart diseases and also make you obese.

  • Walter C. Willett, MD, professor of epidemiology and nutrition explains that many of the commercial vitamin water bottles can be harmful for your health as they contain sweeteners and sugar to enhance the taste.
  • He claimed that the vitamin water contains the same amount of Fructose which is used in Coca-Cola bottles.

1.    Bad Effects of Artificial Sweeteners and Sugar on Health:

If vitamin water is consumed often, then it can cause health damages. Because they contain high amounts of sugar.

  • Approximately 30 grams of sugar is added in 1 bottle of vitamin water. This can damage your health.

Sugary drinks can increase your body weight due to the sugar added into them. They ultimately increase your calories intake and make you gain a lot of extra weight. Weight gain takes you to obesity. This hurts your health in several ways. It can also increase your cholesterol levels. Added sugar can also damage the major organs of your body.  There are no different effects of zero vitamin water as compared to regular vitamin water.

2.    Badly Affect Immune System of the Body:

There is use of organisms in this water that are genetically modified. Those are used to produce artificial sweeteners which are further used in zero-sugar vitamin water.

  • They can make you resistant to antibiotics. This ultimately leads you to severe health issues related to the immune system.

3.    Absence of Mentioned Nutrients:

Most of the vitamin water lacks some other vitamins and minerals that are essential for the work of the body. They mostly contain vitamin A, C and E.

  • You may not meet the daily need of vitamins and minerals for your body even when drinking these vitamin waters.

Sometimes there is also danger of excessive nutrients which again cause damage to the body of the consumer.

Can Vitamin Water damage your Kidneys?

Here comes the question: Is Vitamin Water being hard on your kidneys?

As with these kinds of drinks you are consuming the same vitamins that you can also get from the regular food intake. The extra vitamin gets out of your body through urine. This process of flushing out ultimately causes weight upon the kidneys. They have to work more than regular..

  • The National Kidney Foundation is really very against the excessive intake of the supplements, as they can cause a serious damage to the health of a person.

Consulting a Doctor before a Big Step:

The question “Is vitamin water healthy?” can get a better answer by consulting the doctor. You should better consult your doctor before adding any supplement in your daily life.

You should surely consult a doctor in these cases:

  • If you feel any deficiency or overdose of vitamins.
  • You need someone to look after your health after you start a new supplement.
  • You are worried about the reaction of vitamins with your current medications.
  • To determine your daily vitamin dosage.
  • If you are going through a condition in which your body is not absorbing enough nutrients.


Is vitamin water healthy?

These drinks are now commercialised and marketed as healthy but also they contain high content of sugar which may cause damage to your health.

Is vitamin water healthier than Gatorade?

There is 60 milligram of Potassium and 0 milligram of Sodium present in Vitamin water. Vitamin water is way much healthier than any other drink.

How many vitamin waters can I drink a day?

As per the suggestions of the labels by the brands. It is suggested to take 1 to 2 bottles of vitamin water to meet the daily need of your vitamins.

Which vitamin water is best?

Try to choose the vitamin water in which there is no use of artificial flavours and preservatives. There should be use of natural ingredients. This kind of vitamin water will be a healthier option for you.

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