How to Deal with an Autistic Kid
How to Deal with an Autistic Kid

What is Autism?
Autism or ASD is a type of mental disorder that is innate. This disorder doesn’t develops after being adult, instead, it is from the birth. The patients might have difficulty in maintaini eye contacts, speaking at a normal age, and failure of attention and all other things that are away from normal. ASD patients are commonly considered as mently retarded as they have lack of social interaction and can’t understand nonverbal cues.
Early signs of an Autistic Child:

Following are some of the early signs:
- Walking style is the first symptom and sign that your kid might be autistic. For example, if he walks on his toes.
- Another early sign of autistic kid is that they will never accept the change in their food choices. They will prefer to eat the same thing everyday in their same favourite crocery.
- If your kid doesn’t recognize his name even after turning 2 years, that’s also a sign. For example, you keep calling his name and he is unaware of it. He will not give any response.
- Fourth early sign is your kid’s playing pattern. If you observe that your kids is arranging his toys from larger to smaller ones or from smaller to larger ones, beware. This is because it is away from a normal kid’s behavior.
- They will not maintain the eye contact.
Dealing Tips and Tricks:
There are varieties of technique that we can use to deal with our autistic kid.
Never say No:
Let them do whatever they want. You should never say No to them, as they gets disappointed and might become aggressive.
Make Eye Contact:
Try to talk in their eyes. Doing this, will help them repeat the behavior. It will strengthten their eye contact habit.
Increase Social Interaction:
Take you kid to the oarks and malls where other kids are also present. This gives then the sense of talking in social gatherings. This will minimoze their shyness. They will feel that they are not different. They will learn to speak and understand.
Use Reverse Psychology:
It is a technique where you change a person’s behavior while ordering him to do its opposite. For example, you will restrict him from wating his lumch, so that he will eat it. This is because the kids love to do that things that is prohibited.
Give Rewards and Avoid Punishments:
If your kid show a good behavior or make progress in everyday thing, you should give them rewards. Punishments are not allowed for autistic kids.
Autistic kids should be taken to the school of special children. They have the right to study like normal children.
Autism is the most common disorder that is hitting nearly every fourth kid. There is not any cure for this but we can minimize the bad behaviors and teach them how to speak and understand.
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