Chocolate helps irregular heartbeat in 50-year-olds

When you’re fifty, chocolate can help with irregular heartbeat.

women’s health

Do you feel guilty after consuming some chocolates?

Don’t feel bad about eating chocolate; a recent study has found that doing so lowers your risk of developing an irregular heartbeat by the time you are fifty.

Eating 2 to 6 ounces of chocolate a week reduces heart palpitations by 20%

according to a study done on over 55,000 Danes. The study’s lead author, Ms. Elizabeth Mostofsky, documented these findings and had them published in the Heart Journal.

Heart palpitations, a medical illness that affects over 2.7 million Americans, are defined by a rapid or even irregular heartbeat, particularly in the atria, the upper chambers of the heart. As a result, the amount of blood that reaches the ventricles fluctuates.

The American Heart Organization estimates that persons who experience heart palpitations have a fivefold increased risk of having a heart attack or a stroke, and a twofold increased risk of dying from heart disease. As a result, consuming heart-healthy foods is the key aspect in this situation.

Yet, can consuming chocolates count as healthy eating?

Scientific American

Absolutely, eating moderate amounts of chocolates reduce the likelihood of heart palpitations by 20% compared to the normal rate.

Elisabeth Mostofsky performed a case study

on 55,502 Danish citizens between the years 1993 and 1997 AD in order to find an answer to this topic. These individuals’ body mass index, cholesterol levels, and even blood pressure were periodically assessed.

About 3,345 of the study’s participants—who had experienced heart palpitations over the previous 13.5 years—filled out questionnaires on their diet and how often they consumed chocolate.

The rate of heart palpitations was found to be 10% lower in those who consume one ounce of chocolate once a month compared to those who consume about three ounces of chocolate per month, and the study came to the conclusion that those who consume one ounce of chocolate weekly have a 17% lower heart rate. Those who consume between 2 and 6 ounces of chocolate see a 20% reduction in heart rate; however, once that threshold is exceeded, chocolates advantages start to outweigh its drawbacks.

According to Dr. Mostofsky’s research,

the economic times

eating moderate amounts of chocolate—especially dark chocolates, which is high in antioxidants—benefits heart health. Nevertheless, since chocolate is high in calories, it is not advised to consume excessive amounts of it.

We advise making small dark chocolate bars from nutritious snacks, which doctors advise eating to maintain cardiovascular health, as it contains a high proportion of sugars and fats, which contribute to weight gain. Additionally, this is not the first study to link eating chocolates with its effect on heart health.


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