Broken heart syndrome

Broken heart syndrome is another name for Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.

Broken heart

It is sometimes referred to as “broken heart syndrome” since takotsubo cardiomyopathy is a transient cardiac ailment that develops as a result of a trying emotional or physical experience. The primary heart chamber responsible for pumping blood in this instance changes form, which affects the heart’s capacity to pump blood. Effectively, the heart chamber takes on the shape of a Japanese octopus-catching fishing pot called a takotsubo.

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy’s causes are what?

The most frequent of these occurrences, which cause the morbidity, are the death of a loved one, a major accident, a violent argument, being exposed to an unexpected loss, or contracting a sudden sickness. Males and females can develop cardiomyopathy at any age, with the exception of older women, who are more prone to the condition.

What takotsubo cardiomyopathy symptoms are present?

Call an ambulance right away if you experience these symptoms because they are comparable to heart attack symptoms and include sudden chest discomfort, breathing problems, or fainting, especially after experiencing intense psychological stress.

Ways to identify the illness:

To rule out a heart attack and confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will carry out a number of tests. To identify the source of your symptoms, one or more of the following tests may be required:

ECG: This analyses your heart’s electrical activity and records it.

Tests on the blood to look for enzymes that could indicate cardiac muscle injury.

 Broken Heart
verywell health

An echocardiogram uses ultrasonography to investigate the structure of the heart and look for any abnormal movement of the heart’s major chambers.

Coronary angiography:

To look at how the blood flows through the coronary vessels because people with takotsubo cardiomyopathy don’t have blocked coronary arteries but people who have had heart attacks do.

What kind of therapies are available for cardiomyopathy?

The majority of patients only need to take these medications for a brief period of time to treat this condition; however, you must closely adhere to the treatment regimen recommended by your doctor. This condition is frequently treated with drugs that lower the strain on the heart and aid in the healing of the heart muscle.

How does the Broken heart treatment plan work?

The heart muscle typically recovers in 2-4 weeks, and the majority of patients reach full recovery in 2 months. However, you may need to visit your doctor frequently and get an echocardiography to ensure healing.

It’s also critical to lessen any physical or mental strain that may have contributed to this issue. You can speak with your doctor or the cardiac repair team because they are the best qualified to assist you. They will show you how to maintain your health, your confidence in handling your condition, and lower your risk of experiencing this problem once more.


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