14 Benefits of Being Bald You Must Know
14 Amazing Benefits of Being Bald You Must Know
1. You are not required to style your hair when you get up
A lot of people are preoccupied with having perfect hair, not just girls. Because it takes a lot of effort to appear untried, guys primp as well. You don’t need to strive to look natural while you’re bald.

2. You are not required to age
However, it’s not all that horrible. Everyone enjoys the excitement of silver daddy action. Anderson Since the beginning of time, Silver has been a silver fox, and he appears to be prospering.
3. You’re never concerned about having a bad hair day
Do you recall how you used to gaze in the mirror or feel self-conscious after it rained? Those difficult times are over. You still will get wet even though you can now stroll through the drizzle in style. That’s it, then. While thinning hair can be improved, nature cannot be changed.
4. By doing that work, you can develop facial hair
Have you ever observed that bald males look best sporting beards and mustaches? The reason for this is that bald people have more free time. You must have a beard if, like me, you lack a chin. Go full Fu Manchu or grow a handlebar like Hercule Poirot. You won’t be questioned if you have a bald head. You just are a badass.
5. Shampoo and haircuts are less expensive
You’ll need to see the barber more frequently than you’d want to keep your “Swiss cheese” hairline under control when your hairline is receding, which will cost money. You can trim your own hair at home and save money by not having to distinguish between 100 shampoo bottles that all nearly identically look the same. Your best friend will soon be that electric razor.
6. You’re on top of things
Men who still have hair struggle to wear hats, but men who are balding have mastered the art, largely out of necessity. If you have no selection of hats while you’re bald, winter stinks. Bald people understand the significance of dressing well from head to toe and paying attention to details and accessories as a result. A newsboy cap also improves everyone’s appearance. It is merely the science.
7. There are no odd tan lines along the hairline throughout the summer
You must recall those long, lazy days when you would visit the beach, unwind in the sunshine with a book and a beach chair, or go out and have a good time with friends, only to discover that you were wearing a scary pink mask. Your entire head may turn brown when you are bald.
8. You have lovely eyes
Your eyes always stand out when you have baldness. One of the benefits of having a bald head is this. They are no longer competing with anyone, and your precious baby blues are unaffected. However, it does highlight how crucial it is to get a good set of glasses. Decide prudently and steer clear of styles with circles. They render you foolish.
9. When it’s going to rain or snow, you’ll be the first to know
Your enormous skull immediately causes it to begin to pour. Most people have hair that shields them from the first drop, but since you know what’s coming, you can run and hide as soon as it happens. Although it is incredibly close, it isn’t quite a superpower. Therefore, bald people resemble superheroes in many ways.
10. You’ll never have an outrageous haircut in vintage photos
Most people will feel a little humiliated when they look back on old images twenty or thirty years from now. You are not required to apologize for sporting a Skrillex cut or mullet. Simply reflect on all the other negative things you have done in your life.
11. You’re taking the quickest showers you’ve ever taken
You used to have to use up important bathroom time washing and drying your hair, which takes a very long time if you’re a woman. However, you can now use it for other purposes, such as masturbation. Anything that allows you to masturbate for longer is, I assure you, a really wonderful thing.
12. You have fantastic bald heroes
Natalie Portman once experimented with being bald before returning to the realm of individuals with hair. However, you should look up to fantastic bald people like Michael Jordan and Patrick Stewart. Larry David is another option, but I’m not sure if I’d try to emulate him. You already know why that’s a horrible idea if you’ve seen the movie Curb.
13. The “bald code” is advantageous to you
Bald Crusaders will exterminate everybody who doesn’t band together with other bald people. You immediately feel like you and the other bald guy in line at the grocery store are in the same situation. You can nod your heads in unison and say, “We Are Family.” We appreciate your visit. It demands respect, or else. We are watching you.
14. You are unique and always
This is especially true for balding females. I know a number of girls who have always wanted to shave their heads but can’t because of patriarchy and gender conditioning. However, you have violated the rule if you are a woman and have a bald head. You’re unique. Everyone always pays attention to you because you’re a renegade. Even though some of them may be gawking inappropriately because they’re jerks, at least they’re looking.
They wish they were as awesome as you are, let’s face it. It’s great. The world cannot be saved by everyone. Catalog by Mark of Thought.
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